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KNIVES | WALTHER | Walther Tactical knife P99

Walther Tactical knife P99

Analytic Description

The Walther P99 Tactical Knife is a good all round utility knife. The blade is 140mm long with a spear point form. The blade is made from 440C stainless steel and offers a serrated edge. This knife offers good blade protection and is backed by a security grip made of Kraton rubber which allows for maximum control.

  • Spear point design blade
  • 130mm Blade made from 440C stainless steel
  • Kraton rubber security grip
  • Serrated blade


  • Grip Material: TPR
  • Blade Length: 140mm
  • Blade material: 440C stainless steel
  • Overall Length: 275mm
  • Weight: 280g
Code Descri. Price       
5.2179 Walther Tactical Knife P99 48.00€

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